Behavior and Discipline
Portola has a community commitment to the following basic school rules: Be safe, be responsible, and be respectful. The Portola Code of Conduct below is a set of specific rules that fit into this positive behavior support plan.
- All students must obey rules as posted in individual classroom on and campus.
- All student must obey the Portola Dress Code.
- Disrespect, profanity, verbal abuse, racial slurs and/or threatening language toward any group or individual is prohibited.
- Bullying and harassment including sexual harassment are prohibited.
- Cyber-bullying on or off campus could lead to consequences up to and including expulsion.
- Students are prohibited from making any audio, photo, or video recordings on campus except with permission from Yearbook or Leadership sponsors.
- Students are required to carry a hall pass or summons when out of class during class time.
- Skateboards, scooters, unauthorized games, cameras, electronic devices, toys, and trading cards and any other items that interfere with the educational process are not allowed on campus.
- Running, pushing, shoving, or other activities that could lead to injury or destruction of property is prohibited.
- Littering and walking through planted areas are prohibited.
- Gum chewing is not allowed anywhere on campus.
- Balloons on campus are prohibited.
- Stealing or possession of another's property without their permission is prohibited.
- Portola's "Hands Off" policy does not permit physical contact of any kind between students.
- Students shall not fight or incite others to fight.
- Students shall not threaten or attempt extortion.
- Possession of weapons or dangerous objects on campus is prohibited.
- Selling or use of tobacco, alcohol, dangerous drugs and/or controlled substances is prohibited by law - this includes e-cigarettes and "vape" products.
- Writing on or damaging school property is prohibited.
- Gambling is forbidden anywhere on campus.