English Learners » LAUSD Instructional Programs for English Language Learners

LAUSD Instructional Programs for English Language Learners

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The Los Angeles Unified School District provides five different instructional program options tailored to meet the diverse needs of English learners (ELs) and the educational preferences of the parents of ELs
In secondary schools. All five-instructional program options guarantee access to a full curriculum with scaffolds and support for students in grades 6-12 at different levels of English language proficiency.
The ultimate goal for each instructional program option is for ELs to meet performance criteria to reach full proficiency in English in addition to bilingualism and bi-literacy in the dual language program. All students, including ELs, are expected to participate fully in college-preparatory (A-G) courses and to graduate from high school ready for college and careers. In addition, each instructional option ensures that ELs with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in a program consistent with their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). All instructional program options also allow for equal access to gifted and talented program opportunities and do not exclude ELs based solely on their English language proficiency levels.
The EL Programs currently available at Portola Middle School include:

Secondary English Learner Newcomer Program

What is it?
  • Instructional program taught in English for English learners who have been enrolled in U.S. schools for fewer than 2 years and are just beginning to learn English.
How does this program help my child?
  • Students learn to acquire English and learn about the cultures of the school’s community and the United States.

Accelerated Learning Program for Long Term English Learners (LTEL)

What is it?
  • Instructional program taught in English for students who have been enrolled as English learners for 5 years or more (at any English language proficiency level) and not yet met reclassification criteria.
How does this program help my child?
  • Students receive accelerated instruction aimed to help them reclassify and have access to all academic program options.
What is specialized at Portola Middle School?
  • Portola has a 3 Tier system aimed at helping LTEL students reclassify.  It includes a Tier 1 of 6th graders in a small 6th grade only groups  specialized learning.  Tier 2 includes 7th and 8th graders in an intervention pull out elective for more intensive learning.  Tier 3 includes further screening for individualized interventions.

Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program

What is it?
  • Instructional program taught in English for students beginning to learn English.
How does this program help my child?
  • Students acquire English language skills with appropriate support while learning standards-based content to able to succeed in a mainstream English classroom.

Mainstream English (ME) Program

What is it?
  • Instructional program taught in English for English proficient students and English learners at the highest levels of English language proficiency.
How does this program help my child?
  • Students learn standards-based academic content in grade-level academic English.