SAS, Gifted, Talented, and Honors » SAS, Gifted, Talented, and Honors

SAS, Gifted, Talented, and Honors

The GATE (Gifted and Talented) Program at Portola Middle School offers differentiated classroom activities that provide alternative learning environments in which gifted students can acquire skills and understanding at advanced academic and creative levels. Subject matter is studied in a differentiated manner to meet and exceed the state core curriculum. Concepts of differentiated instruction such as depth, complexity, novelty, and acceleration are incorporated to enrich the learning experience. Students are challenged to think at higher levels by analyzing, synthesizing, interpreting, constructing explanations and justifying arguments and ideas.
As the Gifted/Honors Coordinator I will be sending you information related to upcoming activities that pertain to you and/or your gifted child. If you would like your name removed from this list or if I have sent you a duplicate email because you may have more than one child here at Portola, please let me know. If you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, please email me at [email protected].
Mrs. Suzanne Miller
GATE Coordinator/Counselor
Direct Office Line - 818-654-3332 (leave a message)
Please speak slowly leaving your name and phone number at the beginning of the message. My office is located inside the library.  
Our district provides a wealth of information for parents of GATE students. Please go to:
to access this information along with the district GATE newsletters in English and Spanish


Held August 31, 2023  Please view PowerPoint attachment

If you missed the meeting, please view the attached PowerPoint and let Mrs. Miller know if you have any questions.

Spring Parent Meeting to be Announced...

If you missed the meeting or would like to review presentation, please view the attached PowerPoint and let Mrs. Miller know if you have any questions.