ZURI MARJANI-PTAH » World History & Geography Class Outline

World History & Geography Class Outline

Welcome to World History and Geography: Ancient Civilizations!   


School Year:  2024 - 2025

(6th) Sixth Grade          Room:  102

Teacher:  Mrs. Zuri Marjani-Ptah

E-mail address:  [email protected]                             Schoology: https://lms.lausd.net        (Use to do work, check grades, email teachers, see daily agendas, and more.)

In this class, students develop critical learning skills. They learn to make connections between ancient cultures, our world today, and their personal experiences. Students become junior historians by reading and researching ancient history; creating maps, projects, and historical art; analyzing videos; composing history-based writings, and having historical discussions.  


The ancient history curriculum is based on learning goals from the Common Core State and CA Content Standards for 6th grade Social Sciences. Students will learn to take notes, have open notes quizzes and games often, and are tested on each thematic or civilization unit.


Grades:  Parents and students can always view grades on individual assignments and for each class on Schoology (lms.lausd.net). Students should complete all assignments on time, actively participate in class, and work to pass each class with an A, B, or C.


Students receive separate grades for academics, work habits, and cooperation:


Academic grades

Work Habits


-based on scoring of print and digital assignments, writings, projects, quizzes, and tests.

-based on consistency of task completion, promptness in following directions, keeping work neat and organized, and participation.

-based on student focus in class, behavior, class & online procedures, and rules.

A (superior); B (good); C (satisfactory); D (less than satisfactory); F (failure to progress)

E= excellent effort/progress

S= satisfactory effort/progress

U= unsatisfactory progress

E= excellent effort/progress

S= satisfactory effort/progress

U= unsatisfactory progress


Academic grading scale (may vary based on class; ask teacher):  


A=90%+   B=80%-89.9%   C=70%-79.9%   D=60%-69.9%   F=59% & lower


Classroom Procedures:


  • Come to class on time, have your supplies ready every time, and be ready to work. Be sure to check the daily agenda on Schoology (lms.lausd.net).


  • Go to the restroom and/or grab a snack BEFORE class time.


  • Cell phones must be powered off and stowed in the class cell phone pockets during class time.


  • If you really need to use your cell phone during the day, report to the counseling office or nurse’s office (if ill) in order to make your call. We are here to support you.


  • If you are absent from class, check the Update agenda posted in Schoology for that day and/or call a study buddy. Do the work you missed, pronto! If you run into problems or have questions, email a study buddy or you can email me through Schoology.


  • Have a question or comment? Put it in the comment section on our class Updates Schoology page or email me. Ask for help, but don't ask someone to give you the answer(s). That's cheating.


  • Wanna learn, be successful, and have fun? Do your work (on time), participate, think for yourself, and ask questions when you need help. (^.^)


  • If you are having problems tell me immediately, so I can try to help. "Like OMG, for realzzzz!" Asking for help BEFORE the assignment deadline is the way to go.


  • Check your Schoology email (click the envelope on the top right of your Schoology portal) daily.


Classroom Rules:



  • Always be kind, considerate, and respectful of others. Many of us have hidden challenges.


  • Do your own work! OMG! Don't plagiarizecut & paste, or copy from the work of others. Yes, this includes AI (artificial intelligence) ! I give zeros to all involved, contact the parents, and notify your school counselor. By the way, real friends don’t ask friends to cheat; real friends want you to learn, grow, and be the best you. Don't let yourself be used.


  • Have integrity about your work!!! That means--follow directions, do your best work, and make sure it's neat and tidy.


  • When in doubt, ASK…but first try to figure it out for yourself! LOL.


  • Don't immediately say, “I can’t.” Instead ask yourself, “How can I?”


  • When helping others, show them HOW TO FIND the answer. Don’t tell or show them the answer.





  • 2 Green (or black) one-subject center-sewn Composition notebooks-(must have no more than  80-120 pages). PLEASE keep one away at home for 2nd semester.


    Additionally, get 3 more composition books (in colors other than green) for your other subjects. NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS !!!


  • 1 GREEN Pocket folder (plastic or vinyl lasts all year)


  • Small, sturdy pencil pouch or bag to hold your pencils, pens, sharpener, earbuds & highlighter.
  • Pencils: 1-2 good mechanical pencils with plenty of lead refills for the year.  


OR  several packs of wooden #2 & a manual pencil sharpener (ALWAYS keep 2-3 unsharpened pencils in your pencil bag. Leave the rest at home to refill as you need.)

  • 2 red pens AND 2 blue or black pens for the year. One each in pencil pouch and one of each keep at home for refills.
  • 1 pair inexpensive earbuds or headphones (keep in ziplock bag at all times in backpack) These are a MUST since we often watch academic videos in class and do video assignments.
  • 2 highlighters(any colors; I prefer yellow) One in pencil bag and one put away at home.
  • Erasers:  get a 3-pack of the fat pink or white to last all year. Keep 1 and leave the rest home.
  • A small sturdy backpack to keep all your supplies together. Roller backpacks don’t typically fit in lockers and are discouraged on campus. Teachers will NOT let you store your roller backpack in their classrooms.


  • Colored pencils and markers (KEEP AT HOME ONLY! - a must for assignments and projects )
  • Computer-access and Internet at home are required. All students must have an LAUSD-issued Chromebook and hotspot to access the Internet, log in to Schoology, complete some class assignments and participate in school-related activities at home.


Bring your fully-charged Chromebook to class everyday. (^.^)





Here’s what you’ll need every day in history class:

  •    History textbook (McGraw-Hill Impact Ancient Civilizations)-issued by school
  •    Fully-charged Chromebook-issued by LAUSD/school-(charge @home each night) 


  • GREEN or marbledone-subject center-sewn Composition notebook w/no more than   80-120 pages. Put a second one away at home for 2nd semester.


  • 1 GREEN Pocket folder (plastic or vinyl lasts all year)


  • Small and sturdy pencil pouch/bag to hold the following supplies:

---Pencils: 1-2 good mechanical ones with plenty of lead refills

  OR 2-3 unsharpened #2 wood pencils to be kept in your pencil bag. (Keep the rest at home or in locker for refills.)

--1 red pen in pencil bag 

--1 blue or black pen in pencil your bag

--1 pair inexpensive earbuds or headphones (keep in ziplock bag in pencil bag at all times)  

    These are a MUST since we often watch academic videos in class and do video assignments.

--1 highlighter (any colors; I prefer yellow) in your pencil bag

--1 Eraser in your pencil bag - The fat pink or white ones last the longest.

  • A small sturdy backpack to keep supplies together (roller backpacks don’t fit in locker!)


Parents: Thank you in advance for your support. There will be a page to sign to acknowledge that you and your child have read, understand, and will follow the class policies and procedures. The form will be sent home once your child is officially in my class.