Important News & Info

This Week's Announcements

Week of August 26, 2024

We have Back- to- School Night on Thursday, August 29th from 5:00-7:00 PM for parents only.  Thursday will be a minimum day schedule. Dismissal will be at 12:43 PM. Please make sure you have your child’s schedule that includes teacher names and room numbers. I have attached the agenda to the email portion of this message.


- Los Angeles Unified is committed to providing every student in our District with a safe learning environment. As a part of the Every School Safe: Blueprint for Safety, throughout the 2024-2025 school year, students will be taught strategies to help them recognize concerns and how to ask for help.  Students throughout LAUSD will participate in the six (6) presentations during assemblies, and advisory/homeroom. See letter below:



- I am proud of our great student attendance and how students are coming to school on time every day. Remember, attendance is crucial in helping ensure academic success. 

Attendance Newsletter: Please click on the link to read our August Attendance newsletter.

Attendance Newsletter August '24.pdf


Friends of Portola

- Thank you to all of you who came to the Friends of Portola meeting last Thursday!  FOP is ready to have a big year!  FOP is currently in their annual fundraiser - the HOPE DRIVE!  Go to the website and make your donation today! Every little bit helps.  Donate $50 or more and receive a magnet for your car.  Donate $600 or more and a family banner will be posted outside our school.  Thank you for whatever you can give! And don't forget, the next FOP parent meeting is Thursday, September 12 at 8:15am in the Parent Center.
Thank you for all you do for our school. This year is off to a great start and the parents' energy is strong so please let us know what you need and how we can best support you!

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, August 29- Minimum Day Dismissal at 12:43 PM

  • Thursday, August 29- Back- to- School Night (Parents Only)  5-7 PM

             (GATE/SAS/Title 1 Parent Meeting at 4:15 PM in the MPR on Back-to-School Night)

  • Friday, August 30- No School (Admission Day)

  • Monday, September 2- No School (Labor Day)

  • Tuesday, September 3- Make-up Picture Day- ONLY for new students and those who were absent on original picture day.



Friends of Portola


New and returning parents, please join us Thursday, 8/15 at 8:15am in the library for our first parent meeting of the new school year! Meet the Friends of Portola PTO board members, learn what we do as an organization and how you can help!! Looking forward to meeting you all!

FOP News

*Please check out Minted for all your holiday needs. Enjoy 20% off Minted stationary + custom gifts and they’ll donate 15% of each purchase back to Friends of Portola! SHOP NOW!  YOUR UNIQUE CODE IS:FUNDRAISEFRIENDSOFPORTOLA




How to register for a Parent Portal Account