This week's Announcements
Are you i-Ready for our March Madness Challenge? February homeroom winners will be announced on Tuesday. For March, we will have a grade level competition. The grade level with the highest percentage of lessons completed will earn popsicles.
Renaissance Faire
April 10th is our annual Renaissance Faire/Open House. Students, parents and family, and staff wear costumes or Renaissance Faire shirts to this evening event. While neither is a requirement, it adds to the spirit of the event. This year we are again ordering crewneck sweatshirts.
The design was created by Arwen Perin, a student in our art elective. Shirts are $12 and crewneck sweatshirts are $18. Fill out the form: AND Submit payment via Zelle to [email protected].
Items cannot be ordered without payment. Orders and payments are due by March 14th, 2025
Questions to Ms. Ballabio, [email protected]. Thank you!
Yearbook News:
Calling all 8th Grade parents! The yearbook needs baby photos. Send your child’s baby photo to: Baby photos are due by March 7th. This is a final deadline.
All parents, if you or your child has any photos they’d like to submit for the yearbook, you can use the same link to submit them, We are looking for fun shots of friends together. If you have any questions regarding the yearbook contact Ms. Ballabio [email protected].
ASB News:
Wednesday, March 5th, is a College Spirit Day. Students wear the colors of their homeroom teacher's college.
Friday, March 7th, is Artist Merch Day. Wear clothing from your favorite artist and show off your school spirit, Portola!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, March 5- 8th Grade Culmination Photos in Gym
Tuesday, March 11- Friends of Portola (FOP) Parent Meeting at 6:00 PM in Library
Friday, March 14 - Coffee With The Principal - Library 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 19- SSC/Governance/LSLC Meeting at 3:30 PM in Room 134
Friday, March 21- 10 Week Progress Reports
Friday, March 21- ASB We are One/ No Room to Hate Lunch Activity
Friday, March 21- Portola’s Got Talent at 6:30-8:00 PM
Friday, March 28- Minimum Day Dismissal at 12:43 PM
Monday, March 31- No School in honor of Cesar Chavez
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