Math Pathways
The district does not designate honors math until 7th grade (Accelerated) unless the student is in the Highly Accelerated pathway. SAS/Honor Student schedules will show as CC Math 6A/B; however, the students are grouped with honors students and the class will be taught as an honors class.
6th GRADE HIGHLY ACCELERATED MATH - Students who meet the following criteria entering 6th grade may be evaluated for placement into our Highly Accelerated Math Pathway. Portola will administer a math placement exam to determine placement in the Highly Accelerated Pathway. Please view this link for more information about the various pathways. To determine if your child is a good candidate for the exam, please review the following criteria:
- 4's in math on the 4th and 5th grade report cards
- Teacher recommendations/parent input
- SBAC and/or STAR testing results (if administered and results are available)
- Intent to commit to working at the highly accelerated level
Please note: Students entering 6th grade do not need to take a math placement exam unless they are interested in the "Highly Accelerated" pathway. The California State Math Framework does not recommend acceleration before grade 7. As stated above, the Highly Accelerated pathway is very rigorous and only for students who have the capability of handling advanced math classes in middle school and high school. For example: Students in this pathway will start 9th grade with Algebra 2. Even though only three years of math is required in the A-G requirements, most colleges and universities recommend 4 years of math. This would mean that after Algebra 2, there would be three more years of highly accelerated math (see slide on left - Planning for High School).
Upcoming testing date for Fall placement 2024 will be posted in the spring at:
To sign up please go to the following link:
We are happy to discuss your child's placement with you. Please email:
Suzanne Miller
GATE/Honors Coordinator/Counselor
Google Phone 818-600-1403
Hala Dillsi
Highly Gifted Magnet Coordinator
Jennifer Ohlund
AIAT Assistant Principal
Each year at the end of the second semester, we evaluate our 6th grade students to determine candidates for the Accelerated Math Pathway which begins in 7th grade. Your child’s 6th grade math teacher has been asked to review your child's grades, SBAC scores, and level of understanding and provide their recommendations for placement in either CC Math 7, CC Math 7 (Honors Cluster*) or Honors Accelerated CC MATH 7. I encourage all parents read the district letter below for further clarification and view the Middle School Math Placement and Pathways PowerPoint below.
If your child has been recommended for Honors Accelerated CC MATH 7, you will be notified through email in May. If you do not receive notification, you can assume that your child will be placed in CC Math 7. If you have questions or concerns about your child's placement, please contact Mrs. Miller.
Criteria for H Accelerated CC MATH 7:
- Teacher recommendation
- Grades of A (or high B)
- SBAC and iReady test results
- Intent to commit to working at the accelerated level
If you child is currently in 6th Highly Accelerated Math, he/she will be placed in CC Math 8/Algebra for the fall semester unless notified otherwise. Please note: Students who are not in the Highly Accelerated pathway may not jump to this level. In the PowerPoint it explains why and it shows opportunities for a child to accelerate in high school if they are placed in 7 CC Math.
Students enrolled enrolled in the the AIAT Academy will proceed to H Accelerated CC MATH 7. At the end of 7th grade, student will be assessed as to whether they move to CC Math 8 or Accelerated Algebra 1.
It is important to understand that students develop at different rates mathematically. Students may be ready for acceleration in high school rather than middle school; therefore, it is important to trust your teacher's judgment as to their readiness for acceleration. As always, we value parent input. So, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
If your child is entering 7th grade, we will need information such as grades and test scores (if available). We can administer an exam for placement in the Accelerated Math Pathway. Please go to the following link to schedule your child's exam day:
If your student is entering 8th grade, we will need information such as grades and test scores (if available). Please contact Mrs. Miller or Ms. Altamira (Highly Gifted Magnet) to request placement in Algebra or Geometry.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) offers multiple course pathways aligned to the California State Standards for Mathematics. Your child's successful completion of any of the mathematics pathways described below will help prepare them to graduate from high school both college prepared and career ready.
College and Career Pathway
Most students will be enrolled in the College and Career Pathway. The middle and high school courses for the College and Career Pathway are shown in the table below. Students on the College and Career Pathway may elect to accelerate in high school, which would create a different series of high school courses than those listed below.
Grade Level | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 | Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
MathCourse | CC Math 6 | CC Math 7 | CC Math 8 | CCAlgebra 1 | CC Geometry | CCAlgebra 2 | 4th Math Course |
Accelerated Mathematics Pathway
Students who demonstrate advanced skills in mathematics may be eligible for placement into an Accelerated Mathematics Pathway beginning in grade 7, or into the Highly Accelerated Mathematics Pathway beginning in grade 6. Placement into one of the accelerated pathways is based on multiple measures of student performance including, but not limited to, a placement test, Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment scores and grades.
Additional Information
More information about your child's math class will be shared with you during Back-to-School night to provide you a complete picture of what your child needs to do in order to be college and career ready in mathematics. Direct, continued and frequent contact and engagement with your child’s teacher and school is the most effective way to understand what your child is expected to learn and how well he or she is succeeding in that learning.
We look forward to keeping you informed as we continue to support your child’s academic success. For more information about math pathways and courses, please talk to your child’s counselor or visit the LAUSD Mathematics website at
Suzanne Miller
GATE/Honors Coordinator/Counselor
[email protected]
Google Phone 818-600-1403
Jennifer Ohlund
AIAT Assistant Principal
[email protected]
GATE/Honors Coordinator/Counselor
[email protected]
Google Phone 818-600-1403
Aileen Altamira
Highly Gifted Magnet Coordinator
Jennifer Ohlund
AIAT Assistant Principal
[email protected]