IGP - Individualized Graduation Plan
November 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Teachers, counselors, administrators and all school staff are here to help your child succeed.
Our main goal is to assist students in passing all of their courses in middle school to learn the skills necessary to be prepared for high school and beyond. We expect students to take rigorous courses in middle school so that they are academically prepared to enroll in high school courses. For the University of California and the California State University systems, students must meet A-G admission requirements in high school. We will provide support and/or interventions to help your child transition and be successful. We request that you talk to your child about taking advantage of tutoring offered after school (refer to our website: Portolams.org for tutoring options under Counseling Corner).
Our main goal is to assist students in passing all of their courses in middle school to learn the skills necessary to be prepared for high school and beyond. We expect students to take rigorous courses in middle school so that they are academically prepared to enroll in high school courses. For the University of California and the California State University systems, students must meet A-G admission requirements in high school. We will provide support and/or interventions to help your child transition and be successful. We request that you talk to your child about taking advantage of tutoring offered after school (refer to our website: Portolams.org for tutoring options under Counseling Corner).
Please review the ICP, sign and have your child return the form to your child’s counselor. For questions regarding grades, contact your child’s teacher directly. If you would like to further discuss your child’s Middle School Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) please contact their grade level counselor.
Thank you for your support.