Enrolling in Portola's SAS(Schools for Advanced Studies)/Honors Classes
SAS schools offer an exemplary gifted and talented program "providing high-quality differentiated instruction with an emphasis on depth, complexity, acceleration and novelty. SAS sites offer high-level academic opportunities that meet the unique educational needs of K-12 gifted learners."
Students who live within the Portola boundary and are identified gifted in the categories of: Intellectual Ability, High Achievement Ability, Specific Academic Ability, Creative Ability, or Leadership Ability will automatically be place in SAS classes.
To find your designated resident school, please go to:
For students interested in enrolling in Portola's SAS/Honors Program who do NOT live within the Portola boundary or currently attend a private or independent charter school, please follow these steps:
- Parents/guardians apply to the school through the Choices Affiliated Charter Schools process
- To apply, go to: https://apply.lausd.net and click on Charter (Affiliated Charter Schools) Choices brochure.
- The Affiliated Charter School lottery selection process will take place in February 2024.
- Parents/guardians will receive a Selection/Waiting List letter in March 2024 and must accept/decline by the deadline
APPLICATION TO SAS - For students who are not identified as gifted and live outside the Portola boundary or who are coming from an independent charter or private school, click on the following link to apply to SAS/Honors:
Criteria for SAS/Honors placement:
Student demonstrates the ability or strong potential to work above grade level in all academic subjects and meet ALL FOUR of the following critical thinking and problem-solving skills (in primary language)
- Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
- Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
- Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
- Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
Once applicants have been selected and accepted at the Affiliated Charter School, the Gifted Coordinator, Mrs. S. Miller, will then verify SAS/Honors eligibility.
To sign up for one of our tours, go to: www.bit.ly/PortolaTours
More information about applying can be found on the eChoices website:
See below for email regarding EChoices for high school sent to 8th grade parents 9/28/22.
Please contact Mrs. S. Miller if you have any questions: [email protected]
Taft Charter High School
Please click here to take a virtual tour of Taft Charter High School and learn about the various program offerings!
All students interested in the SAS program at Taft CHS will need to complete the SAS application which will become available on Taft's school website in spring of 2022. Non-resident students need to be accepted to Taft CHS through the Affiliated Charter application first before applying to the SAS program.
To apply to Taft's SAS program, click here:
SAS program description and criteria are listed on Taft's
Parents can also apply to Taft's STEAM Magnet at https://apply.lausd.net. Applications for the magnet are due November 12, 2021
For information about Taft's SAS Program or STEAM Magnet, email: Amy Herman: [email protected]
Reseda Charter High School
Families may apply to Reseda Charter HS through LAUSD's Unified Enrollment online (apply.lausd.net), the charter link and simply indicate their desire to apply to our SAS Program. Reseda is expanding their SAS Program into 6th grade (60 student limit) and adding a middle school grade level each year going forward to eventually become a 6-12 SAS Program. Reseda's SAS application is available to download at their website (link below). Parents should return applications to Mr. Kline at [email protected]
Grover Cleveland Charter High School
Information about Cleveland's SAS Program can be found at:
Cleveland also offers: Humanities Magnet, Global Media Studies Magnet, and Academy of Arts and Technology. For more information about these programs, please go to:
Parent and Campus Tours:
Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) - Gifted and Honors Programs
For more information about Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), please visit the following website:
Applications for non-charter schools such as Kennedy HS and Monroe HS are due November 13th online through eChoices. (see link below)
Charter schools will have their own deadlines, so we recommend that you contact the SAS schools of interest for their lottery information.
If a student is identified gifted, it will require completion of the SAS application signed by Mrs. Miller or another administrator.
If a child is not identified gifted in an academic area, he/she will need a gifted verification form completed by Mrs. Miller and the teachers. The teachers will need to verify that the student meets the following criteria:
- Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
- Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
- Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
- Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas
MAGNET Schools
If you are interested in applying for a magnet or non-charter SAS school, you will need to fill out an online eChoices application at the following website:
For more information about the selection process for magnet schools, please visit the following site: