SAS, Gifted, Talented, and Honors » Summer Courses

Summer Courses

If you are interested in taking a high school course over the summer, you will need to complete an application and email it to your high school counselor for approval.
Mrs. S. Miller can sign summer school applications for Honors students with good grades for only the Health class, PE, and/or art (graphic design) elective for Taft Charter High School.
Instructions to enroll online at Pierce:
View the videos and once you have received a confirmation email from Pierce, you can apply for the above classes.  Pierce will then send the counselor an online approval form via email.
Health 11: Principles of Healthy Living 001
Graphic Design A:  HSED6007   Graphic Design B: HSED6008
PE:  HSED5005
Opportunities for Learning offers classes to students who are 14 year and older by July 1, 2022 free of charge
For more information, visit their website and complete the application attached below and then email it to your counselor for approval:
For community college summer courses, you can apply online with the concurrent enrollment application.

Enrichment Courses:
